
Health A-Z

Adenosine Deaminase Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (ADA-SCID)

When you have a severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), your immune system can't fight off even mild infections on its own.

With adenosine deaminase severe combined immunodeficiency (ADA-SCID), your body's defenses stop working because of a problem with your genes.

ADA-SCID is a serious disease that usually shows up early in life. Treatments can help, though, and people who get treatment before an infection happens can live long, healthy lives.

Everyone has ADA genes. If you have ADA deficiency, you have a glitch (mutation) in yours. As a result, your body doesn't make enough of a certain tool, called an enzyme, that helps your white blood cells protect you from getting sick. Without that protection, you can easily get infections.

If your child is born with ADA deficiency, they'll probably get a SCID diagnosis by the time he’s 6 months old. If the disease starts later, the symptoms may be less severe.

With treatment, you can manage symptoms and avoid infections. Left untreated, the body becomes less and less able to fight infections, which can be life-threatening.