
Health A-Z

What Is AAT Deficiency?

Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is a condition that can cause serious lung or liver disease. Symptoms often include trouble breathing and jaundiced, or yellow, skin. It’s a genetic disease, which means it’s passed down to you from your parents.

You get it because your liver doesn't make enough of the AAT protein, and much of what it does make gets trapped in your liver. You need this protein to protect your lungs from inflammation and damage caused by infections and irritants such as smoke and pollution. If your lungs are damaged, you can get COPD or emphysema. AAT deficiency is sometimes known as genetic COPD or genetic emphysema. And when AAT builds up in your liver, the buildup may cause scarring, or cirrhosis, of your liver.

You might not know you have the disease until you're an adult. Most people get their first symptoms between the ages of 20 and 40.