
Health A-Z

A black eye is when there is bruising under the skin around the eye. In most cases, the injury affects the face rather than the eye itself. They may occur due to a strike to the face or occur after surgery.

It is called a black eye because of the bluish-dark color of the bruising in the tissue around the eye. This happens because the capillaries, or tiny blood vessels, have burst and leaked blood under the skin.

Another name for a black eye is a “shiner.” The medical name is a periorbital hematoma.

As fluids collect in the space around the eye, bruising, swelling, and puffiness result. This can make it difficult to open the eye. Vision may blur temporarily. There may be pain around the eye, and possibly a headache.

Any bleeding inside the eye also needs medical care, as there could be eye damage that could lead to vision problems.