
Health A-Z

Diabetes can cause nerve damage and poor circulation, especially if a person has difficulty managing blood sugar levels. This can lead to foot ulcers, blisters, pain, and foot infections.

In some cases, the damage can be severe. Infections in the feet can spread, damaging other organs and even becoming life threatening. Severe foot infections may mean a doctor has to amputate the foot.

While most people with diabetes do not develop severe foot complications, diabetes remains a leading cause of amputations.

Diabetes is usually caused byTrusted Source insulin deficiency (type 1 diabetes) or insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes). Insulin is an essential hormone responsible for helping cells absorb sugar from the blood to use for energy.

When this process does not work correctly, sugar remains circulating in the blood, causing health problems.

Prolonged periods of high sugar levels in the blood can cause nerve damage and circulation problems, which can injure the feet.

In this article, we look at foot problems that can occur in people with unmanaged or poorly managed diabetes and discuss how to prevent and manage these effects.